Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's Not Just Me

I was poking around looking for something to read when I found a fun article on I realized upon reading it, that in fact, I'm not the only Hummer-hater. In coordination with the last post I'd like to clarify that I'm speaking only of the Hummer vehicle itself, not the actual driver. The actual driver will be referred to without an uppercase "H" because the hummers who drive Hummers are not even proper nouns.

50 Worst Cars in History

An interesting photo I found is of a Hummer that almost got off-road. In fact, I believe this may actually be the closest that a Hummer has ever been to actually driving on something that wasn't specifically designed for it to drive on. I understand that there are out-of-door driving courses but those are simply a new place to showcase the Hummer, they have been sculpted with all the tenderness of a professional golf course and therefore, do not count as "off-road". They are simply a non-asphalt/concrete road.



At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to burst your bubble, but I personally drove a Hummer on a carefully sculpted, dirt-covered off-road course (with log obstacles). No concrete - except the initial 20 inch curb, no asphalt - except the road course surrounding this off-road course (Corvettes and Cadillacs drove on the road course).

See, with a professional driver in the passengers seat giving constant instructions the H2 can go off the road - into an outdoor showroom.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Carl Miller said...

Thanks for bursting my bubble David. I'm about as disillusioned now as when I first realized I wasn't going to play professional basketball.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Bill said...

I'm with Carl on this one; and I thank you, David, for proving both our points.
Carl is right, the only place you see Hummers (besides asphalt or cement roads) is on special outdoor showrooms with professional drivers that come attached to the vehicle.
And for me, hummers may be stupid enough to buy a Hummer, but they are still not stupid enough to risk getting dust on the rims of their status symbol. You never see a hummer in their Hummer off road.


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